Pubs Preservation
In May 2017, planning law was changed (following a long campaign by CAMRA and others) so that any demolition or change of use of a pub now needs planning permission. This means that you can raise objections to any such proposals and, hopefully, convince the Council to turn them down. Previously, ACVs were one of the only routes to securing this protection.
So far as pubs are concerned, the most common change of use is to one or more houses. Others include conversions to restaurants, shops, offices, hot food takeaways and industrial or warehousing uses. Also needing permission are, extensions, such as new restaurant areas and conservatories, alterations (inside or out) to Listed Buildings, most new signs and advertisements and changes to the external appearance of the building such as new doors, windows or roof.
If you love your local pub and think it adds value to your local community, then why not list it with your local council as an 'Asset of Community Value' (ACV)?
Over two years campaigners successfully listed over 2,000 pubs as ACVs across England.
If your community pub comes under threat, listing the pub as an ACV may still be beneficial to securing its future, and add support to objections raised by the community as part of the planning process.
Below outlines how your community can come together to nominate your local.
If you require any further help or advice on whether ACVs are the best route for your community to go down, please email ku.gro.armac@sngiapmac.
How to nominate:-
1. Decide who you are nominating on behalf of. You can either nominate as a group of 21 local people, as a Parish Council, or in connection with another local group including a CAMRA Branch.
2. Go to your local Council website and download a nomination form. You should then fill the nomination form out with as much detail as you can on why the pub adds value to your community.
3. If nominating as a group of 21 local people, make sure they're all on the electoral register. Often best to have a few more just in case!
4. Submit the form to the Council - there should be an email address or address on their website provided. Our Chair of Pub Campaigns Committee Paul Ainsworth is happy to look over draft nominations. If you're unsure, send it over to ku.gro.armac@sngiapmac
5. Wait 8 weeks for a decision! Once a Council has received your application, they'll have 8 weeks to decide whether or not to list the asset.
Latest News on Hinckley & Bosworth pubs under threat
Consultation on new draft local Hinckley and Bosworth Plan, framework by which they determine local planning applications has now closed. The branch Pubs Protection Officer submitted representation on behalf of the branch. The Plan is then submitted to the secretary of state for approval, if approved this gives local planning officers enhanced powers to resist development if they feel it is appropriate to do so.
CAMRA have been monitoring planning apps nationwide and have been seeking feedback from all branches, especially predatory pub planning apps and have asked branches to let them know of any applications in their areas to close pubs... The proposed redevelopment of the Odd Fellows Arms at Higham on the Hill, no decision has yet been made despite being over a year old. There is an active local community group trying to save the pub, and use it as a base for community activities as well as a pub; Kate Phillips is leading the group. If successful people will be able to buy shares in the pub and they are also asking for people with relevant skills to get in touch.
UPDATE April 2024:
The Oddfellows Arms, Higham on the Hill
Planning Application:- 22/00124/FUL
Pub Preservation Officer, Chris Merriman urges members to register their objections to the planning application, which involves the conversion of the Oddfellows Arms into two residential units and the construction of 5 new houses to the side and rear.
Members need to set out their objections clearly. The email does not need to be long, but it does need to explain the grounds on which they are objecting.
You have until Friday 19th April to submit your objections.
Reasons for objection may include: The fact that The Oddfellows Arms is the last community facility in the village and there are adopted Local Plan policies which protect such facilities from being lost or redeveloped.
There is a local community group who are willing to acquire the pub and operate it as a hub for the expanding village, which is entirely in line with the ideals of The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Localism Act.
The whole area of the pub buildings and car park are designated an Asset of Community Value (ACV) and the pub designated a community facility under DM25 of the HBBC planning policy and according to criteria in the HBBC Local Plan, should be preserved
Email your Objections: Make sure they identify planning application reference and address of the application in the subject box: Objections to Planning App. No: 24/00229/FUL, Oddfellows Arms, 25, Main Street, Higham On The Hill
Give your name and address at the end of the communication. You must give your name and address at the end of the communication, otherwise the objection will not be accepted.
Emails should be sent to ku.vog.htrowsob-yelkcnih@wenredlofgninnalp
Hopefully we can raise a storm of objections.
Chris Merriman
Email: ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@noitavreserpbup
Appeal against planning refusal for six dwellings behind the White Swan in Stoke
Golding, pub will continue whatever happens so the pub protection officer does not intend to make any
representation on this issue.
New River Retail / Hawthorn Leisure own a whole slew of pubs, some in our area are selling their pubs to a different pub co.. hopefully one that is more public house orientated.
The Dog and Gun, Hinckley was granted planning permission on 17th December 2020 for the extension of the building and conversion of the upper floors of the pub to create four flats, retaining some of the ground floor for public house purposes. Our Pubs Protection Officer, Chris Merriman made representations on behalf of the branch, urging the Council to ensure that the remaining floorspace was adequate to provide for a viable public house use, to make sure that at a future date the developer does not apply to convert the whole building to residential use. Unfortunately the Council did not seek further information from the applicant and granted approval. The above update has been provided by the Pubs Protection Officer; Chris Merriman
According to the Leicester Mercury (31 Dec 2022), new plans have been lodged to renovate the former Bull's Head pub in Nailstone.
The pub, dating back to the 1830s has been closed for about two years, but a scheme has been lodged to undertake significant renovation and create a two-storey rear extension. Part of the refurbishment plan will cover replacing the current toilets including facilities for disabled customers.
The planning documents state that the renovated pub will be a “valuable community asset”for the village of Nailstone.
Cock Inn - Sibson
Following a local campaign, the owners of the Cock Inn at Sibson, Star Pubs and Bars, have confirmed that they will renovate, refurbish and reopen the pub. The Cock Inn was closed in 2019 and is one of the oldest pubs in the country, dating back 750 years. Dick Turpin is reputed to have sought refuge from the authorities here. It is no surprise that the building is listed, and requires extensive and sympathetic renovation work, prior to the refurbishment and eventual reopening.
ACV success for Walcote's Black Horse within Leicester Branch
The Black Horse at Walcote originally closed in 2012, despite having been rebuilt and being popular with locals for both the beer and Thai food. < At the time, concerned residents of Walcote managed to register the Black Horse as an Asset of Community Value and subsequently issued shares for local people to purchase. Enough money was raised to buy the pub, tie free, and essentially, became owned by the village thanks to the purchase through the local Community Benefit Society and the contribution of a generous benefactor.
After 4 years of hard work by local villagers, The Black Horse has now been fully refurbished and was reopened as a community run pub on 2nd December 2016. There are 5 hand pumps (2 Langton Brewery, 2 Dowbridge and Sharp’s Doombar). Nathan Miles, the new landlord has said that he will be using as much local produce as possible, including beers from local breweries.
Further references
- Anyone who believes that a pub is under threat of redevelopment within our branch can contact Chris Merriman ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@noitavreserpbup
- CAMRA ACV Policy document, please see CAMRA ACV Process
- For further information on the ACV policy within Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, please see ACV Policy