Hinckley and Bosworth

Selection process for GBG entries and Branch Awards

The basis of Hinckley & Bosworth's Good Beer Guide entries and POTY, CPOTY and COTY awards

You are probably aware of the ‘Good Beer Guide’, CAMRA’s flagship publication which lists the best pubs in the UK. But what you may not know is how those pubs are selected to appear in the Guide. The answer is that it is largely via beer scores submitted by CAMRA members from all over the country.

So, if you are a CAMRA member you can send in beer scores, if you’ve ever wondered why your favourite pub isn’t in the Guide, this may well be because you, and others, haven’t entered scores rating the quality of beer there. By beer scoring, you can contribute to the process of selection of pubs that go in the Good Beer Guide.

So how do I score the quality of the beer?

You don’t have to be an ‘expert’ to begin scoring your beer. However, it is not about your personal favourite beer receiving the highest scores! You may try a beer that isn’t to your normal taste but what you need to consider is the quality of that beer, how well the pub has kept it and served it and score it according to the general guide below. It is a simple 0 to 5 point system, with half points being used if your opinion of the beer falls between two categories.

  • 0 No cask ale available

  • 1 Poor. Beer is anything from barely drinkable to drinkable with considerable resentment

  • 2 Average. Competently kept, drinkable pint but doesn’t inspire in any way, not worth moving to another pub but you drink the beer without really noticing

  • 3 Good. Good beer in good form. You may cancel plans to move to the next pub. You want to stay for another pint and may seek out the beer again

  • 4 Very Good. Excellent beer in excellent condition. You stay put!

  • 5 Perfect. Probably the best you are ever likely to find. A seasoned drinker will award this score very rarely

How do I submit my scores?

In order to submit your scores, you need to login to CAMRA’s online guide to Pubs,details and scoring either on a computer or by smart phone. Here you will find a list of over 55,000 pubs from all over the UK. In order to start submitting scores via the CAMRA Pub Guide you need to:

1. Login. To do this you need your membership number and your CAMRA password

2. You can then search for your pub by name. Be careful here as there are many pubs in the country which share the same name. The advice is to search by the pub name and the town or postcode. The smart phone web page also gives you the option to search for real ale pubs nearby, very useful if you are in an unfamiliar town.

3. Once you have found your pub a ‘Submit Beer Scores’ box will appear on the righthand side of the screen (or on the tab bar underneath the pub photo if you are using a smart phone)

4. Simply fill in the date and your score then as you begin typing the brewery name should automatically appear underneath where you are typing. You do not have to enter the name of the beer you are drinking but if you wish to do so once you have entered the brewery name you should be able to click on the arrow in the beer box and a dropdown list of that brewery’s beers should appear. In some cases, the beer you are drinking may be new or a one off by the brewery so may not appear on the list, if this is the case you can simply type in the beer name. Select the correct one click ‘submit score’ and your score will be entered into the database. It is as simple as that. An added bonus is that it will keep a record of your scores so you can look back to see what beers you have had and how you rated them if you want.

The above information was provided by Sonia James-Henry and originally appeared in Mersey Ale. Thanks to Sonia and magazine editor John Armstrong for giving permission for it to be used by other branches.

For further information please see CAMRA NBSS

Process for determining the Hinckley & Bosworth entries for the Good Beer Guide 2026

Hinckley & Bosworth have 8 entries for the Good Beer Guide, so with the need to provide two reserves in case of licensee changes, a total of 10 premises will be submitted for inclusion
A review is carried out of the beer scores for the pubs and clubs within our area using the last 12 months values.
3 Following revisions for any possible changes to licensee during the period, and any skewed scores, a short list is produced, which acts as the first stage for reviewing potential entries for the Good Beer Guide.
From the short list, a number of pubs/clubs are identified for survey in order to determine a final selection of 8, plus 2 for reserve in case of circumstance changes
A sub committee of member volunteers is convened and three teams are formed, with visits to the respective premises planned. Each team will visit the same pubs/clubs, such that each is surveyed three times by different members.
The premises will be scored on the basis of the beer on offer, atmosphere/style/decoration, service/welcome, community focus, sympathy with CAMRA aims and good value. Up to 10 points awarded for each category, with the beer being weighted by a factor of x5.
All surveys to be returned to the Branch GBG Coordinator by 30th January 2025. The submissions are collated to be presented to the sub committee by 3rd February 2025, for review.
Following the sub committee review, the final submissions are presented to the Branch Meeting 4th February 2025 for ratification

Process for determining the Hinckley & Bosworth POTY, COTY and CPOTY 2025

A short list of premises in each category, based on beer scores, is presented to the Committee for review by 12th January 2025
The approved list of candidates is presented to the Branch Meeting on 14th January 2025
Request for nominations from the list sent to all members requiring a response by email, online via the web site or on paper forms provided. Deadline - 3rd February 2025
Guidelines for voting: - Quality and Condition of Beer, Real Cider and Perry - Promotion and Knowledge of Beer, Real Cider and Perry - Cleanliness and Staff Hygiene - Service, Welcome and Offering - Style, Décor and Furnishing - Community Focus and Atmosphere - Sympathy with CAMRA Aims - Overall Impression and Value
Results collated and presented to Branch Meeting on 4th February 2025. If there is a draw in any particular category, a deciding vote may take place at the Branch Meeting
Award winners notified and certificates ordered from CAMRA. Arrangements made with the recipients for presentation dates and times