Hinckley and Bosworth

URGENT Save the Oddies Campaign

Saturday 13 April 2024

Pub Preservation Officer, Chris Merriman urges members to register their objections to the planning application, which involves the conversion of the Oddfellows Arms into two residential units and the construction of 5 new houses to the side and rear.

Members need to set out their objections clearly. The email does not need to be long, but it does need to explain the grounds on which they are objecting.

You have until Friday 19th April to submit your objections.

Reasons for objection may include: The fact that The Oddfellows Arms is the last community facility in the village and there are adopted Local Plan policies which protect such facilities from being lost or redeveloped.

There is a local community group who are willing to acquire the pub and operate it as a hub for the expanding village, which is entirely in line with the ideals of The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Localism Act.

The whole area of the pub buildings and car park are designated an Asset of Community Value (ACV) and the pub designated a community facility under DM25 of the HBBC planning policy and according to criteria in the HBBC Local Plan, should be preserved

Email your Objections: Make sure they identify planning application reference and address of the application in the subject box: Objections to Planning App. No: 24/00229/FUL, Oddfellows Arms, 25, Main Street, Higham On The Hill

Give your name and address at the end of the communication. You must give your name and address at the end of the communication, otherwise the objection will not be accepted.

Emails should be sent to ku.vog.htrowsob-yelkcnih@wenredlofgninnalp

Hopefully we can raise a storm of objections.

Chris Merriman
Email: ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@noitavreserpbup