Hinckley and Bosworth

200th Hinckley CAMRA Branch Meeting

Wednesday 11 October 2023

The 2nd October Branch Meeting was held at the Bricklayers Arms, Sharnford. This marked the 200th meeting of the Hinckley & Bosworth branch since the formation as a sub branch of Leicester CAMRA in 2005.

The initial 2005 meeting was held on the 7th September at the Black Horse in Hinckley. David Miller was able to read out minutes from this and the second sub branch meeting, along with the names of the attendees, who effectively became founder members. It is interesting to note that the subjects under discussion were very much as they are today. Amongst the founder members were David Finn, Norman Hall, Mitch Irving, Bernard Timpson and Geoff Targett. See a copy of the minutes below.

David Bates was also able to describe and distribute copies of the early branch magazines, including the one advertising the very first Hinckley Beer Festival located at the Green Rooms in town.

A very nice buffet was provided by The Bricklayers Arms at the end of the meeting, which, incidentally, was the first held at this location.

Minutes of First Hinckley & Bosworth Branch Meeting in 2005

Hinckley Sub – Branch Meeting 001 - Minutes
Time: 2030hrs
Day: Wednesday
Date: 7th September
Venue: Black Horse (back room), Hinckley
Attendees: Nigel Moore (Chair), Philip Tiplady (Leicester branch Secretary), Celia Ashton, Bill Smith, Chris Davies, David Miller, Alan Cooke, David Finn, Richard Lewin, Andrea Hall, Les Codrington, Mike Batte, Mitch Irving, Geoff Targett, Bernard Timson Apologies: Steve Colbourne, Yvonne Hughes, Frank Kendrick (Everard brewery), Martin Mellor

1. Introduction of new "probation" Chairman, Nigel Moore It was agreed by those in attendance, Nigel Moore's 3 month probationary period as sub branch Chairman should commence from 7th September 2005

2. Group discussion on other sub-branch roles where we, as a branch, feel representation is necessary (plus appointments, if possible) The matter was discussed with Geoff Targett volunteering to fill the role of Sub Branch Treasurer for the same probationary period as Nigel in his position as Chairman. Both positions to be reviewed at the end of the 3-month period

3. Gain a clearer understanding of the geographical area / boundaries of sub - branch responsibility - Philip Tiplady (Leicester branch Secretary) attending with more detail Philip Tiplady attended giving all attending a clearer picture / understanding of our geographical area of responsibility, with the use of maps provided by himself. The branch felt Snarestone would benefit from the inclusion into our boundaries as there is reported to be CAMRA interest there but on the extremities of the Leicester branch jurisdiction. Action Nigel Moore: Nigel (Chair) to discuss the inclusion of Snarestone within Hinckley Sub Branch boundaries with Julian Hough (Regional Director)

4. Appoint "owner" to organise, with branch support, presentation of "Regional Club Of The Year 2005" award to the Burbage Constitutional Club Norman Hall volunteered to organise presentation of "regional club of the year" to the Burbage Constitutional Club. A provisional date of Tuesday 1st November was agreed by all present Action Norman Hall: Norman to liaise with the Burbage Constitutional Club to finalise details of presentation. Action Nigel Moore: Nigel to speak to Julian Hough to confirm his availability for attendance at the presentation.

5. Diary Next meeting = 2030hrs, Tuesday 11th October, Black Horse November meeting / regional club of the year presentation = 2030hrs, Tuesday 1st November – TBC

6. Email address confirmation for future correspondence (sub - branch minutes etc) All parties present were asked to supply email addresses for future correspondence. Page 5 of 5

7. AOB · It was suggested the sub branch compile a list of all pubs within our area. To be discussed further at subsequent meetings · The matter of the sub branch name was perhaps not entirely reflective on the area covered Action ALL: Suggestions of alternative names to be forwarded to Nigel prior to next meeting for discussion / decision to be made. · Bernard Timson and Mitch Irving kindly offered their assistance to help publicise future CAMRA / sub branch events etc Approx. 12 members present expressed an interest in purchasing next year’s GBG from the branch. Action Nigel Moore: Nigel to order 12 GBG's from Keith Williams (Leicester branch Chairman)

1. Apologies
2. Minutes (acceptance/correction)
3. Action update
4. Discussion / decision to be made on sub branch name
5. Correspondence
6. Diary
7. A.O.B.