New combined branch magazine
The Half Pint branch magazine has not been published since 2019 due to lockdown pub closures and financial restraints. However, it has now been agreed that Hinckley & Bosworth CAMRA will join with the Leicester, Loughborough and Melton Branches to contribute to a new county wide magazine called the Leicestershire Drinker, due to be published in early May
"It is hoped that around 10,000 copies will be distributed around Leicestershire and Rutland every quarter as well as being available on line. "The Leicestershire Drinker will be an attractive, lively, and informative magazine, filled with news, views, and information about beer styles and types, festivals, campaigning, awards, breweries, pubs and bars, cider, and perry" states Clive Gamble of the Leicester Branch.
Contributors are being sought to provide news, articles and items of interest by accessing or by contacting ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@rotidetnipflah
We are also looking for new advertisers, so if you work in a business that would be interested in supporting the new magazine and benefit from its wide distribution, please go to for more information.