November Pub News
Gareth from the Bird in Hand, Austrey got in touch to say that in July, the pub became free of tie and up to October he has had over 40 different beers from 15 different breweries. He would love to see us there.
The White Swan in Stoke Golding had new tenants in early October. They should be there at least until the planning application is resolved and currently have Tiger, plus 1 guest but are hoping to add a 3rd beer. No food at the moment. Open Thursday to Sunday.
There is a new landlord at the Railway; open from Wednesday to Sunday. Adam Crump has moved on to another Steamin Billy pub: the Cow & Plough in Oadby.
Feedback received from WhatPub: The Bounty has no real ale. It is not known if this is permanent. Does anyone know?
Update provided by Jackie & Adrian