Urgent need to fill the role of Treasurer
Thursday 30 September 2021
Please help the Hinckley & Bosworth CAMRA Branch to continue successfully.
The following committee positions are vacant:
- Treasurer
- Minutes Secretary
- Social Media Coordinator
- Pubs Campaigning Co-ordinator
- Young Member Contact
The Treasurer’s role is constitutionally vital for us to continue as a CAMRA branch. Without a Treasurer the Hinckley & Bosworth Branch might be at risk of dissolution.
Previous Treasurers and committee members will offer advice and support. A description of the roles can be provided.
If you wish to meet and discuss any of these positions please contact:
- Interim Branch Chairman Darren Statham at ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@namriahc
- Interim Branch Secretary John Moyes at ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@yraterces