Branch in Crisis - Chairman's message
Gwilym's message:-
"I know that it’s been a while, but there’s not been a lot to talk to you about thanks to the lockdown.
I am sending this message in the hope that it will trigger a favourable response to the request for a new Secretary as Kelvyn is unable to continue in his role beyond the end of February. I have asked for a volunteer before, but I’ve had no response.
I also regret to inform you all that I will be stepping down from my role as Chairman in a similar timeframe.
If you know someone who is willing to take on either of these duties, please contact me on ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@namriahc so we can arrange a timely handover after an online AGM vote to confirm the positions.
I completely understand that these are trying times and there is a great deal of uncertainty about the future, but if there is no response by the 21st of February, I will notify CAMRA head office to begin the process of winding down the branch.
If you know any branch members who do not get the branch mailouts, please pass on the message as without a new Chair or Secretary, we will be folded back into the Leicester branch and we would lose most of our Good Beer Guide entries. I feel that would be a big loss for the area.
Thank you all for the time you have given to the branch."
Kindest Regards,
Gwilym Smith
Outgoing Chairman, Hinckley and Bosworth CAMRA
Website Coordinator note: Shawn Collier, the Chair of the Leicester CAMRA branch has also indicated his intention to stand down, at their next AGM