Hinckley and Bosworth

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Market Bosworth Rail Ale Festival Postponed to 2021

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Due to the impact of Covid-19, the Battlefield Line and Hinckley & Bosworth CAMRA feel that they have no alternative, but to postpone the Rail Ale Festival until 2021. This is an extremely disappointing decision, but the Battlefield Line and the CAMRA branch believe this is right and responsible.

However, the Battlefield Line still has standing costs to service including those for the rail ale site at Market Bosworth. If you would like to assist them by making a donation and help ensure rail ale returns - please go to https://www.battlefieldline.co.uk/

A note from our Festival Organiser

This year’s Market Bosworth Rail Ale Festival has now been officially cancelled. This follows the guidance from the government, and also from CAMRA that all beer festivals nationwide are cancelled until at least August and probably beyond. Without other guidelines to follow, we have to assume that some form of social distancing will still be required for many months.

The festival depends on many people coming together, in close proximity to one another, in a social and enjoyable environment. It would be virtually impossible for the volunteer staff to observe the increased standards of hygiene and security that are essential to maintain a safe environment. We know how disappointed you will be at this decision, but the priority has to be to take the correct decision now to ensure that all of you will be fit and well and able to attend the 2021 Festival. Thanks to all of the Camra and Battlefield Line volunteers who helped with the planning, and to those intending to volunteer or visit the festival.
