Hinckley and Bosworth

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Roundup of April's Pub News

Wednesday 4 April 2018

The Prince of Wales has a new licensee, Jackie who was previously at the Chequers, with the pub no longer being tied to XT

The Belper Arms, which was a Punch Tavern has now been transferred to Heineken, with the food menu changing at the same time

The Union is being painted outside

Just outside our area, the Black Horse at Walcote is having a beer festival from 4th to 7th May, with beers, ciders, food and live music on the Friday

The Red Lion in Earl Shilton is still closed, and the landlord is reported to have left

The King William in Earl Shilton is unlikely to ever re-open as a pub and is probably going to disappear

The Star in Stoney Stanton had a new licensee 2 weeks ago

The Stoneycroft Club has been redecorated

Many thanks to our pubs officer Adrian for the update. Note: If anyone has pub or club news that may be of interest to the Branch, please contact Adrian on:-
ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@reciffosbup or 01455 610932