Roundup for May's Pub News
The Nags Head at Stapleton appears to be closed. The place looks to be locked up with no-one at home. Certainly it doesn't look to be trading
On Wednesday 9th May, the Burbage Community Arts Festival are having the Music in the Pubs night
The Star in Stoney Stanton is said to have changed hands recently
Weatherspoons are getting rid of all social media accounts – Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
The Ashby Tavern, a Punch Tavern, has a “To Let” sign outside. The landlord Pete has given notice and will be moving in July
The Belper Arms, Newton Burgoland has been rebranded from a Punch Tavern to a Heineken Pub
Many thanks to our pubs officer Adrian for the update. Note: If anyone has pub or club news that may be of interest to the Branch, please contact Adrian on:-
ku.gro.armac.htrowsobdnayelkcnih@reciffosbup or 01455 610932